eye of a needle

I was lucky enough to join Vicuna, his brother Gérard and a bunch of other wonderful people on a recent trip to Burkina Faso. This is the second album of the adventure. On our last morning we walked down one of the busy roads to end up on a bridge, which is the bottleneck of traffic for Ouagadougou. People stream down the road in incredible pace. So it's pretty hard to focus, because nobody will keep standing for your desire to take a picture. It's also a great ensemble of all things transport. From women carrying huge loads just on their heads with amazing control, to carriages with donkeys as engines. To bikes, rikschas, motorcycles and pick up-trucks with too many passengers. This place is the aorta of the capital city, it makes your heart beat just looking at it...

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  1. bendawes
    bendawes ·

    Awesome travel shot! and love the colours too!

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