Korestia is a complex of villages north of Kastoria, at the foot of Mount Vitsi in Greece, which were evacuated during the civil war and have since been deserted to their fate. This is the only area of ​​Greece in which there are purely brick settlements, masterpieces of folk architecture that is no longer found in our country. The villages of the area began to be deserted from the 1940s, when their inhabitants migrated abroad in search of a better fortune. In the 50's the technique of building with bricks was abandoned. On the eve of World War II (s.s. lasted from 1939 to 1945) the total population in the area of ​​Korestia (including a total of 19 villages in the prefectures of Kastoria and Florina) was about 10,000. Today, it does not exceed 2,000.

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