
  • #11897529

    shooooter tarafından 2010-10-01 tarihinde paylaşıldı

  • #11265816

    akabee tarafından 2010-04-28 tarihinde paylaşıldı

  • #11905903

    maneke tarafından 2010-10-03 tarihinde paylaşıldı

  • #11847656

    boredbone tarafından 2010-09-22 tarihinde paylaşıldı

  • #11795553

    disdis tarafından 2010-09-09 tarihinde paylaşıldı

  • #11788460

    azzzy tarafından 2010-09-08 tarihinde paylaşıldı

    It was my friend eric lee final days in singapore and with that i loaded my 2 favorite film in my lca+ and snap away. His gone now but looking at the pictures i can easily remember the moments with him. Till i see you again Eric lee

  • The Sea Salt Experience

    vicuna tarafından 2010-09-07 tarihinde paylaşıldı

    I used this film with my fisheye with submarine case. Unfortunately, my submarine had some water leaks and the salted seawater came inside the camera and the film... When I gave it to my usual lab, they told me they couldn't process it as the film was wet... :( So I waited for a solution and let the film like that, unprocessed, in my room. After a month, I noticed that some strange signs of corrosion were to seen on the film canister, and thought that perhaps there was something interesting happening inside! But how could I process it??? And there I thought that this could interest Mr LabRat himself: Mandi! I wrote him and asked if he could process the film for me. And finally, almost 3 months after being shot, after a long maturation time and some special treatment to dry and process it, the pictures are here! Thanks a lot Mandi! ;)
