oheychristos tarafından yapılan gönderiler


The result of using some old film I thought was unused, but had been, in Cyprus 2003, 8 years ago!

This was the first roll of film to go in my brand new Diana Mini, and after going round Delamere Forest with the family taking pictures I handed it in to be developed.

I was so excited to see how the pictures turned out. So of course I was utterly confused when I saw them. 20 Multiple exposures, a mix of Cypriot dancers and forest and the rest over-exposed.

At first I was really dissapointed, but I've taken it as a life lesson. Don't assume some old film you find lying around hasn't been used! Certainly won't be making that mistake again!

Sınırları Aşmak: Çarktan Gerçeğe

Bir şarkı, bir kitap veya bir film, seni belirli bir yere gitmen için yüreklendirdi mi? Kelime ve melodilerle harekete geçirilen bu seyahat maceralarını paylaş!

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