Magnum opus

The magnificent St Paul's cathedral, in London, is widely hailed as the greatest work of its designer, Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723). Wren was himself the first among many illustrious people to be buried inside the cathedral over the centuries. The inscription above his tomb reads "Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice" (Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you).

31 Yorum

  1. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    P.S. I think this is the best photo I've ever taken, so I will very happily accept hundreds of likes, a weekend slot in the 'Selected' section, POTD, a contract with Magnum Photos, the front cover of Time magazine... hell, I'll take whatever I can get for it! ;-) ;-) ;-) Mind you, most of the credit actually goes to Fuji for their fanfreakin'tastic Neopan Acros film, which I shot this album with. This was the first time I'd used it and the results just blew me away - especially when viewed on a big computer screen. Have already ordered another 10 rolls, so I hope to capture many more images like this one...

  2. ehmahh
    ehmahh ·

    nice album!

  3. davidpowell
    davidpowell ·

    The contrast is incredible! Great work (to you AND Fuji!)

  4. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    @davidpowell: Thank you! Using a red filter on the lens helped a lot too.

  5. aanum
    aanum ·

    wow this is great :)

  6. jandra
    jandra ·

    great shot!! you deserve a contract with of Playboy magazine!! like me!!!!=)

  7. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    @jandra: Uh... yeah, but I don't think many Playboy readers buy it because they admire architecture... :-)

  8. sweetyyydreams
    sweetyyydreams ·

    Great pictures as always!

  9. jandra
    jandra ·

    another kind of architecture.......

  10. amytam
    amytam ·

    This photo is AMAZING! Great job!

  11. gauthierdumonde
    gauthierdumonde ·

    great !

  12. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Selected 9 August 2012. YES...!!! Thank you so much, @LSI, and everyone else who likes it too! Next up, that Time cover...! ;-)

  13. emkei
    emkei ·

    this is great photo!

  14. emkei
    emkei ·

    and great album too! :)

  15. ediblestrange
    ediblestrange ·

    Ha! really amazing and yeah it would look smart in magnum :) I always think of the little lady feeding the birds for tuppence at saint pauls (find my lovely reference) great job and yes I am looking forward to that Time cover!

  16. grazie
    grazie ·

    hey hey really love this one! great photo! love neopan 400 and 1600 but haven't really tried pan acros 100. I guess I have to now. Awesome!

  17. clownshoes
    clownshoes ·

    Really great shots. The film of course really is great; but these series of Nikons are defiantly under appreciated. Dirt cheat to buy off ebay even with a lens and lots of program-ability. Keep shooting!

  18. gendis
    gendis ·


  19. bloomchen
    bloomchen ·

    great shot indeed.

  20. ricoinbrooklyn
    ricoinbrooklyn ·

    Wonderful shot!

  21. simonesavo
    simonesavo ·


  22. lazybuddha
    lazybuddha ·

    Awesome!! Acros is my favourite B/W film too.

  23. bsmart
    bsmart ·

    Ace. Red filter you say.

  24. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    @bsmart: Yes, this one here:… Thanks for your likes!

  25. blueskyandhardrock
    blueskyandhardrock ·


  26. saidseni
    saidseni ·

    I love this film too! And the name of your album! ;)

  27. vici
    vici ·

    Stunning Photograph! but you know that...

  28. bsmart
  29. onkel-m
    onkel-m ·

    Perfect shot....that´s how B+W´s should be !!!

  30. c5gebj2
    c5gebj2 ·

    Just great! I have to use the red filter more often. :)

  31. raylemon
    raylemon ·

    great shot! very nice clouds

More photos by buckshot