Tipster: Maximize Your Instants! (Part 2)

Previously, we shared a few tips on how to creatively store or showcase your instant snapshots. Today, here are some cool tips to step up your instant game.

Chemical Manipulations

If you don't mind making your instants look a little messy and experimental, then roll up your sleeves and give it a go. Proceed with caution! Here's the step-by-step.

Credits: tomas_bates

Film Soup

Lomographer @uglydarling didn't mind getting a little dirty with these instants by using lemon juice and disinfectant for an instant film soup. While it was not indicated how this tip was done, common household items can be mixed to form a special cocktail to dunk your instants into. Remember to do this while the photo is still developing, and please make sure to proceed with caution!

Credits: uglydarling

Instant Peeling

The peel-apart effect of vintage instant years is possible with your more modern Instax films. Recreate the look and follow this trick. Thanks for this how-to, @buttonmunch!

Credits: buttonmunch

Instant Display

A branch or twig can be used to display your instants, too. Paint the twig white for a clean, minimalist look or make it pop by using bright neons or soft pastels. Home decor stores usually sell artificial tree branches, so you won't have to worry about breaking off anything for this tip!

Did you miss the first batch of tips? Find them here. Our third installment of instant tips is coming up soon, so watch out for it!

2017-09-19 #dersler #instant #kickstarter #instantphotography #lomoinstantsquare

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