Project - Give a Photo

We live in the 21st century, but there still parts of the world where people live in dire conditions, with no access to safe water, let alone cameras and photos. Tourists love taking pictures of the locals, who rarely get to keep any of the shots.

So I started my Give-A-Photo project last year, traveling to remote Mountainous regions in Tibet, taking and giving out polaroids to young mothers and their kids.

Encouraged by the great responses I received, I again set out with my Fuji Instax 210 camera and more than a hundred polaroids, this time to India.

Apart from young families and whoever wanted a picture, I also tried to reach out to street kids who asked me for money. Some had no shoes, some didn't have pants on. But I hope that from the polaroids, they will see how beautiful their smiles really are. The world can be a tough place. Best of luck in making something out of your lives.

I don't have the means to scan all the polaroids before handing them out. But you get the idea :)

2 Yorum

  1. istionojr
    istionojr ·

    so humble of you. :)

  2. saidseni
    saidseni ·

    Love your project. Life is very hard in Tibet... nice idea. :)

More photos by ihave2pillows